Call For Proposals | Keep It Clean Kansas School Grant Program
Your school or district can apply for a grant of up to $1,000 for your waste and recycling programs! Through the generous sponsorship of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Bureau of Waste Management, classrooms, schools and districts can apply for a small grant to support efforts to reduce waste.
Examples of potential projects to be funded include:
Professional development for school staff in waste and recycling education
Support for ongoing recycling efforts
Waste Reduction School to Home Projects
Field trips to recycling centers/landfills/composting facilities, etc.
Kansas Green Schools Waste Investigation equipment and supplies
Recycling containers
Composting and vermicomposting equipment
Waste Related Environmental Stewardship Education Programs
Your classroom, school or district must be registered as a Kansas Green School (it’s free and easy to do!)
Your classroom, school or district must have already completed the Kansas Green School Waste Investigation
You must agree to submit a final report which includes outcomes and achievements, a final list of your expenses and when possible, pictures or videos of your activities.
To submit an application for funding, use this online application to provide your responses to the following questions in this form or email them:
Deadline for Submission: By April 4, 2025. If you are unable to submit using this form, submit by email to
Project Awards Made: By Earth Day, April 22, 2025
Project to be implemented in the 2025-2026 school year. Deadline for Project Completion and Report: May 1, 2026.