Welcome to the Kansas Green Schools Network! We are a program run by the Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education (KACEE).
The Kansas Green Schools Program provides educational opportunities for PreK-12 schools that increase awareness and understanding of environmental interrelationships that impact public health and our society, and that promote responsible environmental stewardship practices.

The Kansas Green Schools Network includes 600+ schools across the state who are engaging in Green School Investigations while earning state and nationwide recognition. Want to join us?
Kansas Green Schools' goal is for students to foster an appreciation and understanding of air and water quality, climate, energy, reduction/recycling of solid waste, and wildlife habitat. Why? We know that “learning both in and about the great outdoors improves academic performance, enhances critical thinking and contributes to a number of life-building attributes, including confidence, autonomy and leadership skills.”₁

The 5 Green School Investigations are:
Waste & Recycling
Students conduct a waste audit of their school, including a cafeteria investigation.
Students explore water in their community: Where it comes from, where it goes, water quality, and water conservation practices.
Students explore how much it costs to light and power their school, where the school is using the most energy, and explore practical solutions to save their school money and reduce their energy usage.
Healthy School Environment
Students explore indoor and outdoor air quality, integrated pest management and chemical usage.
The Learning Community
Students explore the usage of school grounds, water runoff, biodiversity, wildlife, pollinators and school gardening.

When you complete any two investigations, your school earns its first level of recognition, the Silver Globe Award.
When you complete any four investigations your school earns the next level of recognition, the Gold Globe Award.
Finally, complete all five and become a Kansas Green School of Excellence and earn Green Globe certification for your school.
Also part of Kansas Green Schools are:
Kansas School Gardens Program
‘Keep It Clean, Kansas’ (KICK) Challenge
KACEE is here to support your students through each investigation and offer tips and insights along the way. We recommend completing one investigation per semester. Investigations can be completed as a class, a ‘Green Team’, or a combination — however works best for you and your students.

Green School Leader eeCredential (teacher professional development)
If you are an educator wanting to either start a Green Team, add more environmental depth to an existing club or dive deeper into teaching environmental education, we highly recommend starting with the “Keep It Clean, Kansas!” (KICK) Green School Leader eeCredential. This is an online, asynchronous course provided to K-12 formal educators thanks to the generous sponsorship of the Kansas Department of Health & Environment (KDHE).

The Green School Leader eeCredential will help you successfully build a Green Team, complete the Green School Investigations, and provide support in applying for the “Keep It Clean, Kansas!” (KICK) Challenge. Complete and submit a waste education project as part of the KICK Challenge for the opportunity for your school to earn $1,000!
As part of the KICK Green School Leader eeCredential, educators will receive nationally-awarded curriculum guides with hundreds of hands-on activities that help meet academic standards on incorporating environmental education into your classroom. This scholarship is valued at $250! (Optional graduate credit is available through Baker University for $85.)

Kansas WILD Outdoors
KACEE also houses the Kansas WILD Outdoors Chapter. Modeled after FFA, Kansas WILD Outdoors engages students in the outdoors with adventure, experiences, learning, leadership and service! KACEE is currently in the process of rebooting Kansas WILD Outdoors, building out a strategic plan to make the program more accessible to all students across Kansas!

For any questions or interest in getting involved with Kansas WILD Outdoors, contact Leonore Enfield at lenfield@kacee.org, KACEE's Director of Outreach and Student Engagement.